I’ve noticed a difference in my energy and my attitude.

Since I started going to Low T Center, I’ve noticed a difference in my energy and my attitude — especially when I went to Houston to help after Hurricane Harvey hit. I felt great and had a ton of energy. I worked circles ...

Since I started going to Low T Center, I’ve noticed a difference in my energy and my attitude — especially when I went to Houston to help after Hurricane Harvey hit. I felt great and had a ton of energy. I worked circles around those young South Texas guys!

Clint Stoerner, former college and pro quarterback

NOTE: While Mr. Stoerner is an actual patient of Low T Center, and his testimonial is provided in his own words and reflects his actual, personal experience, he is also a paid endorser for Low T Center.  Be sure to read all the legalese at the bottom of this page as well.”

Treated for Low Testosterone

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The providers at LowT worked diligently with me to make sure I had the right mask

My HST was affordable and my results were ready at my next appointment (1 week). The providers at LowT worked diligently with me to make sure I had the right mask, so I could see the results I expected. I feel more rested sin...

My HST was affordable and my results were ready at my next appointment (1 week). The providers at LowT worked diligently with me to make sure I had the right mask, so I could see the results I expected. I feel more rested since starting my CPAP treatment plan.

Chris J.

Treated for Sleep Apnea

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I’ve lost 15 pounds, and my strength has come back.

For the last several years, every time I went to the gym, I ended up cutting my workout short or just doing what I like to call the “executive workout” — getting in the sauna for 20 minutes. That’s all changed since I...

For the last several years, every time I went to the gym, I ended up cutting my workout short or just doing what I like to call the “executive workout” — getting in the sauna for 20 minutes. That’s all changed since I started getting treated at Low T Center.

Mark Schlereth, Former Professional Football Player & Current TV and Radio Sportscaster

NOTE: While Mr. Schlereth is an actual patient of Low T Center, and his testimonial is provided in his own words and reflects his actual, personal experience, he is also a paid endorser for Low T Center.  Be sure to read all the legalese at the bottom of this page as well.

Treated for Low Testosterone

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This has been the best decision of my life.

All of 2015 and the majority of 2016 was the worst that I felt physically and mentally. I began my Low T treatment in October 2016, and I can say that this has been the best decision of my life. Dee Miller, Former College ...

All of 2015 and the majority of 2016 was the worst that I felt physically and mentally. I began my Low T treatment in October 2016, and I can say that this has been the best decision of my life.

Dee Miller, Former College Football Great and State Farm Agent

NOTE: While Mr. Miller is an actual patient of Low T Center, and his testimonial is provided in his own words and reflects his actual, personal experience, he is also a paid endorser for Low T Center.  Be sure to read all the legalese at the bottom of this page as well.

I have more energy. I’m mentally sharper than I have ever been. I’ve lost 20 pounds, and I feel great. Thank you, Low T, for changing my life.

Treated for Low Testosterone

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I have never felt so good!

Finding Low T Center is like finding the hair of Samson! I have never felt so good! Know your numbers! Hal Shaffer, Host of Drop Zone TV on The Outdoor Channel NOTE: While Mr. Shaffer is an actual patient of Low T C...

Finding Low T Center is like finding the hair of Samson! I have never felt so good! Know your numbers!

Hal Shafer - Drop Zone TV - Low T Center Brand Ambassador

Hal Shaffer, Host of Drop Zone TV on The Outdoor Channel

NOTE: While Mr. Shaffer is an actual patient of Low T Center, and his testimonial is provided in his own words and reflects his actual, personal experience, he is also a paid endorser for Low T Center.  Be sure to read all the legalese at the bottom of this page as well.

Treated for Low Testosterone

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NOTICE: These are statements of opinion from actual patients. The statements have been edited for length and clarity and reproduced with the patient’s consent. No patient has been compensated for making such statements, except where expressly noted as being a paid endorser in the testimonials above. The content of this page is not intended to represent objective claims regarding experience, competence, typical results, or the quality of physicians or the services they provide. This page is not and may not be viewed or used by consumers located in the state of Illinois. Nothing on this page should be construed as an express or implied representation or warranty of particular results. The diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions, and the likelihood of achieving a particular treatment outcome, are matters that can only be determined by a qualified physician located in your state.