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Fitness | Low T Center


Showing news articles based on category Fitness.

  • Low Testosterone Issues: What is Sarcopenia?

    When you have low testosterone, your body’s ability to build and maintain muscle mass weakens. This can lead to a noticeable decrease in strength and endurance. Beyond impacting your physique, low testosterone-related muscle loss can significantly affect your daily life. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline, which can increase the chance of developing sarcopenia […]

  • Why Does Decreased Lean Muscle Mass Matter?

    If you find yourself feeling weaker, struggling with everyday tasks, or noticing changes in your body composition, it could be low testosterone. Testosterone replacement can help your body rebuild lean muscle mass, one of the common symptoms of testosterone deficiency.  Lean muscle mass is the total weight of the muscles in your body. This muscle […]

  • Cardio vs. Strength Training to Increase Testosterone

    Excess weight is a direct contributor to low testosterone levels in men. Regular exercise can help combat this issue. Both cardiovascular exercise and strength training can support increased testosterone production; however, strength training typically yields a more substantial boost in testosterone levels, especially if you are already undergoing TRT treatment. A balanced fitness plan should […]

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy & Your New Year’s Goals

    With the new year comes many goals and resolutions to carry with you throughout 2023. Goals like living a better lifestyle, getting healthier, losing weight, and exercising more are all great goals to have for your health and well-being. However, if you have low testosterone, it can be really hard to achieve those goals and […]