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Diet - Diet & Hormones


Showing news articles based on category Diet.

  • Everyday Foods That Help Increase Your Testosterone

    You may be researching foods that increase your testosterone as an easy way to naturally increase your testosterone levels. A healthy diet can help, but it will not work as a standalone solution for low testosterone. Medical intervention with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the only proven, effective method for restoring your depleted testosterone levels.  […]

  • Men’s Health Management: How to Eat Better After 40

    An important part of men’s health management at any age is eating healthy, but it’s especially important after 40. Middle aged men have some unique nutrition needs and there are a lot of dietary issues that may crop up. The food you eat is necessary for providing you with energy and nutrients you need to […]

  • Low Testosterone Treatment May Help You Lose Weight

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many of us have been thrown off our routines. This includes exercising, eating right, and maintaining a healthy weight. Many have dubbed weight gain during the coronavirus pandemic as the “quarantine 15,” which shows how many are struggling to control weight gain right now. Low testosterone is associated with weight […]

  • TRT Plus Dietary and Lifestyle Changes for Low T Treatment

    As we age, our testosterone levels naturally decline. Low T affects many men and can cause many undesirable symptoms. There are several factors that influence testosterone levels, including chronic illnesses and what we eat. Therefore, if you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, talk to your doctor about low T and what you can do […]