Low T and “Male Menopause”
Posted: September 10, 2019
Although it may be surprising, men go through hormonal changes as they age just as women do. While it is not entirely accurate to refer to the drop in hormone levels experienced by men as “male menopause,” some medical professionals do use this or “andropause” to talk about low t and other hormonal changes in older men. Whatever it is called, while it can have a significant effect on men’s health and general sense of well-being, it can also be treated.
Testosterone Production
Men produce testosterone in their testes. Testosterone is responsible for energy levels, muscle mass and other important body functions. It is testosterone that cause changes during puberty. For most men, testosterone levels begin to drop around the age of 30.
Hormone levels among individual man can vary substantially. The condition informally referred to as “male menopause” that is associated with lower levels of testosterone generally occurs when men are around the age of 50. Not all men experience it, and unlike menopause in women, it generally does not indicate an end to fertility.
Identifying Low Testosterone
Symptoms may point to the possibility of low testosterone, but it is necessary to get a blood test to confirm that this is the issue. Many of the symptoms of low t are similar to those women experience during menopause. Men with low t may suffer from fatigue, a low sex drive, insomnia or difficult concentrating among other symptoms. They may have been told the problem is depression or simply getting older. However, these symptoms are not an inevitable part of aging.
In fact, not all men will go through “male menopause.” However, the condition is often misdiagnosed, and many men whose lives could be improved by receiving low t treatment are unaware that they have low testosterone.
Feeling Great at Any Age
The broad outline of general health recommendations do not change greatly for men as they get older, and in some cases, symptoms of low testosterone can be relieved by following these. Eating nutritiously, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and cutting back on alcohol and smoking can all make a difference.
However, in other cases, this is not sufficient. Testosterone replacement therapy can offer significant benefits for some men and relieve the symptoms of “male menopause.”
To have your symptoms checked out and for more information on how low testosterone therapy may be able to help you, make an online appointment for your men’s health assessment today at Low T Center.
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