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    • Low Testosterone and Type 2 Diabetes

      Testosterone deficiency, or low testosterone, affects many men throughout the nation. Low T can cause unwanted symptoms, including fatigue, low libido, mood changes, and impotency. Additionally, low testosterone can exacerbate other heal...

    • Testosterone on Miami Radio Row 2020

      It's easy to assume there is a lot of testosterone on the 2o2o Radio Row in Miami, right? Yes, it's a mostly male population moving around and discussing everything from football to men's health care and everything in between. Do you thi...

    • You Could Have Sleep Apnea and Not Know It

      [ Though many people have heard of sleep apnea, it is possible to suffer from the condition and not realize it. Some estimate that upwards of 85% of people with sleep apnea go undiagnosed and untreated. Therefore, it is important to r...

    • TRT Plus Dietary and Lifestyle Changes for Low T Treatment

      As we age, our testosterone levels naturally decline. Low T affects many men and can cause many undesirable symptoms. There are several factors that influence testosterone levels, including chronic illnesses and what we eat. Therefore, i...