High Stress Makes Testosterone Levels Drop
Posted: August 10, 2023
High stress may be having a bigger impact on your health than you realize. Stress can directly affect your body in many ways, including your hormone levels. It has been linked to a corresponding drop in your normal testosterone levels, leading to imbalance. When your hormones are out of balance, activities that require stamina, concentration, and energy can become increasingly difficult due to reduced mental and physical strength.
By understanding the connection between high stress and low testosterone, men can pursue effective strategies to restore testosterone levels and fight back against the damaging impact of daily stress. Raising your testosterone levels can have a multitude of positive psychological and physiological effects. It can lead to improved mood, higher motivation, better mental clarity, and increased energy and metabolism. For a treatment program customized specifically to you, contact our team of providers today.
The Relentless Stress of Everyday Life
Each day can feel like a battle with various demands pulling you in different directions. From work obligations to family responsibilities, it can be overwhelming to keep up with the demands of daily life. Your body naturally reacts to these stressors as if they are threats, releasing stress hormones and spurring a fight-or-flight response. This constant state of feeling under attack can be exhausting, both mentally and physically.
Stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures, but can become unhealthy when it upsets your day-to-day functioning. It takes a significant toll on both physical and mental health. Finding ways to manage the impact of these stressors on your daily life can not only improve your overall well-being, but also allow you to tackle each day with more energy and focus.
Overall Stress Levels are on the Rise

Research shows a strong correlation between high stress and low testosterone. As stress chemicals rise in the body, testosterone is blocked.
With lingering pandemic fallout and ongoing economic uncertainties, it is no surprise that stress levels are on the rise for Americans. In a recent survey, 84% of respondents reported feeling stressed at least once a week, with 15% of the sample indicating they were dealing with stress every day. Inflation was reported as a significant source of stress for the vast majority of adults, with the economy and having money to pay their bills being the highest source of stress.
These numbers paint a stark picture of the growing mental health crisis in the U.S., with medical associations estimating that 30% of adults in the country are currently experiencing a mental health concern.
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but not all stressors are created equal. Researchers make a distinction between acute, short-term stressors and chronic, ongoing stressors. Some major, or chronic, stressors can last for years. The cause of chronic stress can range from situations people can control or avoid, such as an unhealthy relationship, to difficulties that are hard to escape, such as poverty or discrimination. Chronic stress causes the muscles in the body to be in a constant state of tension, triggering other reactions within the body. In the past, minor stressors were seen as something that was much easier for the body to respond to than chronic stress.
However, studies have shown that the body’s response to stress is just as strong for both minor and major stressors. Surprisingly, smaller, more frequent acute stressors can impact your body even more significantly than previously thought. This means that seemingly insignificant stressors like traffic, deadlines, and life’s daily hassles can take a heavy toll. More than 35% of adults say that when they are stressed they cannot bring themselves to do anything. In addition, around 20% of adults say they are more forgetful, have an inability to concentrate, and have difficulty making decisions due to stress.
Stress Blocks Your Body’s Ability to Process Testosterone
Our bodies are controlled by a complex system of hormones, each with a specific function. When we experience stress, our bodies release hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine. These hormones are designed to help the body respond to stressful situations by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.
Chronic stress can lead to consistently high levels of cortisol in our bodies. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone because it is released by the adrenal gland in response to stress. However, high levels of cortisol can block the body’s response to testosterone. Signs of high cortisol levels can include:
- Weight gain in midsection or jawline
- Acne breakouts
- Thinning facial skin
- Permanently flushed face
- Bruising easily
- Reduced muscle strength
- Continuous exhaustion
Cortisol is a catabolic hormone working against testosterone, inhibiting protein synthesis, and blocking anabolic signaling. In contrast, testosterone is an anabolic hormone. It helps to build muscle, produce red blood cells, and increase aerobic metabolism in muscles. In stasis, these hormones should remain in balance. When stress causes cortisol levels to soar, more testosterone is blocked, leading to overall decreased testosterone levels that cause a range of negative symptoms.
Restoring Testosterone Can Offset the Impact of Stress
Fortunately, research shows that restoring testosterone levels can help counteract the damaging effects of stress. By improving mood and motivation, testosterone can help boost mental clarity and energy levels. This can help you respond to and manage stressful situations more effectively.
Additionally, testosterone can help boost metabolism by increasing muscle mass. This helps combat one of the common physical effects of stress, which is weight gain. Studies show that physical or emotional distress often increases a person’s intake of food high in fat, sugar, or both. High cortisol levels are largely responsible for the motivation to eat these types of food as a stress response.
Overall, prioritizing the restoration of testosterone levels is an essential step toward overcoming the negative effects of stress and maintaining long-term health. Other key strategies that help manage stress response include maintaining a strong social network, making time for regular physical exercise, and getting sufficient sleep at night.
Convenient and Effective Treatment from Low T Center
Low T Center can help restore your testosterone levels. We strive to provide convenient, high-quality service at affordable prices. Our experienced team of providers can help you achieve the best results for your particular set of needs and goals. Contact us now to schedule an appointment.
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