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    Low T Contributes to Dangerous Visceral Fat Buildup

    Posted: July 31, 2023

    Low testosterone can put you at a higher risk for long-term health impacts, especially if you are experiencing weight gain around your midsection. Men who suffer from low levels of testosterone are also vulnerable to a buildup of dangerous amounts of visceral fat. 

    Visceral fat is belly fat deep within your abdominal cavity. It envelops your internal organs, and can cause severe damage over time if left unchecked. This unhealthy fat secretes toxins into your body, and can cause your organs to become inflamed. Chronic inflammation in the body can lead to body stiffness, muscle pain, sleep disorders, and persistent fatigue. Inflammation also contributes to the development of obesity and many of its related conditions such type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. 

    If you suspect that low testosterone is causing you to gain belly fat, take steps now to reduce your symptoms and protect your long-term health. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help restore your testosterone levels and boost weight loss. Schedule a consultation to check your testosterone levels so we can determine the right TRT treatment plan for you.

    Low Testosterone Can Cause Weight Gain in Your Midsection

    Research shows a strong connection between hormone levels and weight gain. Low testosterone levels can frequently lead to unexpected weight gain, particularly around the midsection. This type of weight gain includes an accumulation of both subcutaneous and visceral fat. 

    Subcutaneous fat is the soft, pliable fat layer that is found just beneath the skin. Generally, 90% of your body fat is subcutaneous. The remaining 10% is visceral fat. Visceral fat is found deep within the abdominal walls around the internal organs, and within the omentum, an apron-like flap of tissue under the belly muscles that blankets the intestines. As the omentum fills with fat, it becomes harder and thicker, slowing the secretion of adiponectin. This chemical reduces stress and inflammation, and helps regulate the hunger-controlling hormone, leptin. Higher stress levels and lower hunger regulation can contribute to overeating, adding to the overall weight gain caused by low testosterone.

    Visceral Fat Can Lead to Deadly Health Issues

    Older man fishing after weight loss and improved testosterone from TRT

    Break the cycle of weight gain and low testosterone by incorporating TRT into a weight loss plan.

    Reducing dangerous visceral fat through weight loss is critical to your overall health. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which is relatively harmless, visceral fat cells are biologically active and produce higher amounts of toxic substances and other chemicals. Many of these chemicals are linked to diseases that afflict older men. 

    Visceral fat secretes cytokines, which boost the likelihood of heart disease. These chemicals also make the body less sensitive to insulin, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. They also produce a precursor to angiotensin, a protein that constricts blood vessels, causing blood pressure to rise. Additionally, reduced adiponectin caused by visceral fat in the omentum contributes to high cholesterol and conditions associated with coronary artery heart disease.

    Alarmingly, a new study has also found a link between lower body visceral fat and aggressive prostate cancer. In the study, researchers noted that each standard deviation increase in visceral fat put men at a 31% higher risk of advanced or fatal prostate cancer. They also noted that for every 4” increase in waist circumference, the risk of getting advanced prostate cancer and dying of it went up by 40%.

    In the average man, a circumference of more than 40 inches at the belly button indicates an unhealthy buildup of visceral fat in the omentum. Studies have shown relatively consistent data demonstrating that a larger waist circumference is associated with higher mortality, independent of weight and BMI. With each 3.9″ increase in waist circumference, men’s risk of dying from related diseases increases by 16%.

    For men experiencing low testosterone, it is critical to understand the potential risks associated with related weight gain, and to take steps to address it through TRT, lifestyle changes, and other treatments. By managing testosterone levels and making healthy choices, men can reduce their risk of developing health complications associated dangerous visceral fat.

    The Vicious Cycle of Low Testosterone and Weight Gain

    Low testosterone levels can lead to a variety of negative health symptoms, including weight gain. Low testosterone also contributes to reduced muscle mass, low mood, and fatigue. These related symptoms can make it more difficult to have energy and stay motivated and undertake weight loss activities like an exercise routine or structured diet plan. In addition, the increased visceral fat from weight gain also secretes various hormones and chemicals that make it harder for the body to manage stress or regulate blood sugar. Increased stress levels can lead to cravings for sugary or fatty foods, and high levels of blood sugar causes the body to store fat more quickly.

    Unfortunately, as weight increases, testosterone levels often drop even further. Many studies have shown that obesity leads to low testosterone. Fat tissue is a highly active hormone regulator for testosterone. It contains aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into estradiol, a form of estrogen. The greater amount of fat tissue in the body, the higher percentage of testosterone is converted to estrogen. Increased levels of estrogen in men can result in negative outcomes such as erectile dysfunction and depression.

    It is a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break—low testosterone causes weight gain, and increased weight reduces testosterone. However, it is possible to break the cycle and take back control of your health.

    Break the Cycle – Boost Weight Loss and Improve Testosterone Levels with TRT

    Breaking the cycle of weight gain and low testosterone is entirely possible. Incorporating TRT into your weight loss plan can make a significant difference. TRT tackles multiple problems at once by helping to improve your testosterone levels, increase muscle mass, improve energy levels, and decrease body fat. 

    Studies have demonstrated that men who receive testosterone replacement therapy experience a noticeable boost in their weight loss efforts. This form of treatment alters the body’s composition, leading to a decrease in fat mass and an increase in muscle mass. These findings offer hope for men who have battled weight gain due to low testosterone levels. 

    To maximize weight loss results, it is important to supplement your TRT treatment with healthy lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and regular exercise. With the improved energy and motivation that TRT can delivers incorporating these lifestyle elements into your daily routine is easier. With a comprehensive approach, you can break the cycle to achieve long-lasting weight loss results and better health.

    Easy, Accessible Testosterone and Weight Loss Treatment from Low T Center

    Low T Center provides convenient and affordable testosterone treatment delivered directly to your home. You do not need to travel or add to your already busy schedule in order to receive exceptional treatment and improve your quality of life. If you believe you are struggling with low testosterone levels or any other concerning symptoms, take control of your health today. Contact us now to schedule an appointment.

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