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    The Evolution of Testosterone in Men

    Posted: July 31, 2015

    We equate testosterone with manliness. It determines the hair on a man’s chest, the size of his muscles, the depth of his voice, and the strength of his sex drive. It’s what gives a man his edge — whether on the playing field or in the boardroom.

    But once a man hits age 30, his testosterone production starts to decrease, typically about 1 percent a year. By age 40, his testosterone levels can decline as much as 2 percent each year. That deficit builds over time and can manifest in side effects such as fatigue, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, irritability, poor sleep patterns, moodiness, and loss of sexual desire or function.

    The strongest indicator of low testosterone? The size of a man’s waistline. The more belly fat a man carries, the lower his testosterone level typically is. Excess belly fat can be a precursor for many chronic health conditions, and if low testosterone is to blame for that waistline, help is available in the form of testosterone replacement therapy.

    It’s important for a man to know his testosterone level. It is estimated that more than 90 percent of American men who suffer from low T haven’t been tested or diagnosed.

    Low T Center specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of low testosterone. By administering a simple blood test in-house, we can quickly determine if you are a candidate for treatment.

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