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    The Truth Beneath That Visceral Fat

    Posted: September 10, 2015

    Don’t you wish you had a dollar for every diet fad, weight-loss product, or fat-burning exercise that has been touted over the last decade? The vast majority prove to be temporary fixes at best. Meanwhile, obesity levels continue to rise in this country.

    Few would argue against losing weight and body fat, especially around our midsections. But where the fat resides is as or more important than how much of it we have. Everyone carries some body fat, and most of it is housed just beneath the skin. Called subcutaneous fat, this type is far less concerning than the more insidious visceral fat.

    Visceral fat gathers deep in the abdomen, surrounding and enveloping our vital organs. Excess fat in this area is primarily what causes someone’s belly to protrude. Regardless of your overall weight, having a large amount of belly fat increases your risk of major health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain forms of cancer.

    The development of excess belly fat is a complicated process. How you balance the calories you eat with the energy you burn is one part. Excess calories that aren’t burned must be stored somewhere, and the gut is often a convenient place.

    Aging also plays a role. You naturally lose lean muscle as you age, especially if you’re not physically active. Over time, this lowers your metabolism, which decreases the amount of calories you burn throughout the day simply at rest.

    Another major factor for men who have hit middle age and beyond testosterone. A man’s testosterone level begins to drop naturally around age 30. Once levels decline to a certain point, a common side effect is the accumulation of excess belly fat.

    It is important for men to understand all of the factors that contribute to their expanding waistlines, including low testosterone. Find your nearest Low T Center, or make an appointment online, and get your numbers checked.

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