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    TRT vs. Ashwagandha Testosterone Supplements

    Posted: October 9, 2023

    From decreased libido to low energy, the signs of low testosterone can cause a ripple effect in your life and limit your ability to stay productive and positive. While there are numerous testosterone supplement options vying for your attention, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) stands out as the most effective yet safe solution for men looking to combat their low T levels.

    Numerous supplements, including Ashwagandha, are commonly promoted as natural testosterone boosters. Despite their widespread use, there is limited to no scientific evidence substantiating these claims. These products are promoted to convince users of their efficacy even in the absence of tangible results.

    Concerningly, the quantities of these herbs required to elicit a significant hormonal change can often exceed safe consumption levels, potentially leading to adverse side effects. While ashwagandha is being touted as a natural alternative to TRT, the lack of scientific backing makes its use questionable for treating low testosterone levels.

    At Low T Center, we have successfully treated thousands of men suffering from low testosterone levels with our convenient and effective testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) options. We tailor our TRT plans to the specific needs of each patient, ensuring they receive the most effective and appropriate treatment.

    This personalized approach has helped our clients see significant improvements in their quality of life by treating their low testosterone. To get your testosterone levels checked, book an appointment at one of our clinics now.

    Ashwagandha Does Not Have to Comply with FDA Drug Regulations

    When it comes to purchasing testosterone supplements, you should always be cautious about what you are putting into your body. Ashwagandha, an herbal supplement known for its potential health benefits, is not regulated as a drug by the FDA. Instead, it falls under the category of food products. This means that while the manufacturing of ashwagandha products is subject to certain guidelines, it receives much less oversight than drugs do.

    The FDA regulations for food products and drugs vary significantly in terms of stringency and testing requirements. While both must adhere to specific safety standards, drugs undergo a much more rigorous review process. Prior to market approval, drugs are subjected to extensive scientific research, including preclinical and clinical trials, to determine their safety and efficacy. These stringent measures ensure that any potential risks or adverse effects are identified and appropriately communicated to the public.

    On the other hand, food products are not subject to extensive testing before they reach the consumer. Manufacturers are simply required to follow certain processing guidelines during production.

    Ashwagandha Doses Can Vary Widely in Testosterone Supplements

    man in truck who chose TRT over testosterone supplements

    Natural testosterone supplements such as ashwagandha don’t have to undergo FDA drug trials, so they are unproven and possibly even unsafe.

    There is no clear consensus on what is the best dose of ashwagandha, which means various supplements can contain a wide range of dosages. This can leave many individuals unsure of how much to take and potentially taking too high a dose. Incorrect dosages can lead to unpleasant or harmful side effects, such as upset stomach or even liver damage.

    Furthermore, since ashwagandha is not regulated by the FDA, there is no guarantee that the listed dosage on a supplement bottle is even accurate. This lack of regulation can also lead to inconsistency in the quality and purity of the product.

    In comparison, TRT prescribed by a qualified medical professional follows strict dosing guidelines based on individual needs and regular monitoring to ensure levels are within a healthy range. This personalized approach minimizes the risk of adverse effects and maximizes the effectiveness of treatment.

    Only a Few Small-Scale Studies Have Been Conducted to Date

    Ashwagandha has been in use as a homeopathic remedy for centuries. However, despite its recent rise in mainstream usage for testosterone supplements, research into the efficacy of this herb remains inconclusive. Only a small number of scientific studies have been undertaken that examine the link between this herb and testosterone. These studies have been small and limited in scope; the largest study involved a total of only 150 participants. Unfortunately, no formal studies have confirmed any beneficial health effects in people, leaving a significant research gap regarding the potential health benefits of ashwagandha.

    No Confirmed Benefits That Outweigh Harmful Side Effects

    At this time, there is no concrete evidence to support the alleged benefits of ashwagandha as a testosterone supplement, so using it may not be worth the potential harm. Excess use of ashwagandha may pose potential risks to your gastrointestinal health, and because you cannot be sure of what is the appropriate dose for your body, you may be overdosing this potent herb without realizing it.

    One of the most common negative side effects men experience with ashwagandha supplements is stomach issues and digestive difficulties. When you are already dealing with the health issues and symptoms that accompany low testosterone, the last thing you need is to feel even more uncomfortable or sick to your stomach. Stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea are all potential side effects that you might experience.

    Some studies have also indicated that ashwagandha can lead to liver problems in a small number of individuals. These cases are uncommon, but it is important to be aware of this potential risk, particularly if you are more susceptible to liver issues due to other health conditions.

    Ashwagandha Testosterone Supplements May Impact Your Medications

    Ashwagandha may interact with certain medications, causing them to not do their job properly. If your prescribed medication is prevented from working effectively, it could potentially jeopardize the management of existing health conditions. These effects could lead to a worsening of symptoms or even the progression of the diseases these medications are meant to control.

    This interaction could be serious for individuals who are taking medication for the following conditions:

    • High or low blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Anxiety
    • Autoimmune disorders
    • Thyroid conditions

    It is strongly recommended that you speak to your doctor if you have been taking ashwagandha as a testosterone supplement. Your continued health and well-being should not be compromised by your low testosterone treatment.

    TRT is an FDA-Approved Treatment for Low Testosterone

    TRT is a safe, long-established treatment option that can help target the symptoms of low testosterone. TRT has been extensively researched and FDA-approved, meaning it meets rigorous safety standards.

    Before a drug can be approved by the FDA for public use, it must go through a complex, multi-stage testing process, which aims to ensure its safety, efficacy, and quality.

    1. Preclinical Testing: This is the initial stage where the drug is tested in the lab, typically on animals, to evaluate its safety and effectiveness.
    2. Phase 1 Clinical Trials: This is the first phase of testing on humans, usually involving a small group of healthy volunteers. The main goal of this phase is to assess the drug’s safety profile, side effects, and appropriate dosage.
    3. Phase 2 Clinical Trials: The drug is administered to a larger group of people, commonly those with the condition the drug is intended to treat. The aim is to assess efficacy and to further evaluate its safety.
    4. Phase 3 Clinical Trials: This phase involves large-scale trials on diverse populations to evaluate effectiveness, monitor side effects, and compare the drug to commonly used treatments.

    Once these stages are successfully completed, a New Drug Application (NDA) can be submitted to the FDA for review. If approved, the drug enters the market but continues to be monitored in what is known as Phase 4 trials. These post-marketing surveillance trials continue to monitor the effects of the drug in various populations and any side effects associated with long-term use.

    Convenient Testosterone Injections with Your Precise Dose

    One of the key benefits of TRT is that it is administered directly into the bloodstream, allowing it to get to work right away without having to navigate through other parts of the body first. This means that the body can utilize the entire dose of testosterone quickly. Injections provide fast-acting relief from low testosterone symptoms as the hormone is immediately available for use by the body, leading to quicker symptom improvement.

    We also provide the precise dose of TRT you need so that you get exactly what your body requires to maintain healthy testosterone levels. We assess your current testosterone levels through bloodwork to determine the dosage you need to reach optimum testosterone levels. Our experienced team will work with you to personalize your treatment plan and ensure you receive the exact dose you need.

    No Supplements, Just Safe Testosterone Treatment That Works

    We can create a low testosterone treatment plan based on your individual situation to help you get the results you need. Avoid the unproven testosterone supplements and choose a treatment plan with TRT. Contact us now to schedule an appointment and get started with finding a safe, effective way to achieve better health.

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    Disclaimer: This article is made available for general, entertainment and educational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Low T Center. You should always seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.