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    Typical Testosterone Levels by Age

    Posted: June 16, 2023

    Low testosterone levels can affect men from the time they hit puberty all the way into their senior years. Knowing what your typical testosterone levels should be for your age is key to helping you determine whether or not you are experiencing hormone imbalance. 

    Men can suffer from low testosterone levels at any time of life due to many factors such as lifestyle choices or pre-existing health conditions. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a long-term solution that you can take for years or even decades to help you feel your best. With regular testosterone injections, you can effectively help reduce your symptoms and live like you don’t have low T.

    If you have symptoms of low testosterone, our team is here to help. Make an appointment today to get your testosterone tested and get a customized treatment plan from our healthcare providers.

    Testosterone Levels in Men in Each Stage of Life

    Testosterone is a hormone responsible for building muscle, bone mass, and stimulating sperm production in men. Throughout a man’s life, testosterone levels fluctuate and are influenced by various life stages. 

    • Adolescence (age 10 to 19)
      Testosterone levels surge, resulting in growth spurts, deepening voice, and facial hair growth. 
    • Young Adulthood (age 20 to 34)
       Testosterone levels peak, fueling physical and mental energy as well as sex drive. 
    • Middle Age (age 35 to 64)
      Testosterone levels begin to decline, contributing to fatigue, decreased muscle mass, and sexual dysfunction. 
    • Late Adulthood (age 65+)
      Testosterone levels continue declining to lowest levels, impacting overall health.

    Understanding the purpose, impact, and levels of testosterone throughout your life helps you make informed decisions about how to maintain your optimal health and well-being.

    Age-Related Declines in Testosterone

    Men in different life stages with varying tesosterone levels

    Low testosterone levels can negatively impact your health and well-being at any stage of life.

    When it comes to testosterone, many men experience a gradual decline as they get older. For instance, if you’re over 50, you’re more likely to struggle with testosterone deficiency than younger men. This is because our testosterone levels naturally decline with age, decreasing about 1% to 2% each year after age 30.

    As we age, it’s natural for our bodies to go through changes, including our hormone levels. About 20% of men over 60 have low testosterone; that rises to 30% for men over 70, and 50% for men over 80 years old. However, there are also certain phases where testosterone can drop significantly. 

    One of those phases is called andropause, which is sometimes called “male menopause.”  Andropause can affect men anytime after age 40,  but typically occurs when they are in their 50s or 60s. During this time, not only does the body start making less testosterone, but it also begins making more of another hormone called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which pulls usable testosterone from the blood. This can cause overall testosterone levels to decrease by up to 50%. 

    Symptoms of Low T Can Have a Domino Effect Over Time

    Low testosterone can have a significant impact on your life. It’s essential to understand the symptoms of low testosterone to identify the problem and get the appropriate treatment. Typical symptoms can include:

    • Fatigue
    • Low sex drive
    • Unexplained weight gain
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Anxiety or irritability

    Unfortunately, these symptoms can create a domino effect, leading to other issues in each progressive stage of life. For instance, low testosterone can contribute to fatigue, irritability, and low mood, leading to a lack of motivation to exercise and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Over time, this can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other serious health conditions.

    If you suspect you have low testosterone, it’s important to seek treatment promptly to prevent further complications down the road.

    Testosterone Levels Explained

    To get a true understanding of your testosterone levels, it is recommended to have them tested, especially if you are experiencing symptoms. Diagnosing low testosterone requires a test to see how much of this hormone is in your blood. Normal levels are between 300 ng/dL and 1,000 ng/dL. If you have less than 300 ng/dL in your blood, you have low testosterone. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to have consistently low testosterone levels after at least two morning blood tests. This is because your testosterone levels can fluctuate throughout the day.

    When you get tested, your doctor will be looking at both your free and total testosterone levels. Free testosterone is the amount of testosterone available for your body to use, whereas total testosterone includes both free and attached testosterone. The numbers on your testosterone measurement will indicate whether your levels are normal or outside the range. Understanding the different types of testosterone measurements and why they are important can help you take control of your health and well-being.

    Although it may be tempting to use an at-home testosterone test that you can purchase online, it is highly recommended to get tested directly by a healthcare professional. Generally, home testosterone tests do not provide accurate results. In our clinics, we collect your blood sample, assess it in our in-house lab, and have your results ready for review in about 25 minutes. A blood test is the most effective and accurate way of checking your testosterone levels. Many of the home tests use saliva to test for testosterone, but since testosterone is a hormone that circulates in your blood, a saliva test won’t be able to reflect the actual amount of testosterone. 

    Restore Your Testosterone to Normal Levels

    As men age, hormone levels naturally decrease, including testosterone. For some men, this decrease can cause a variety of symptoms that affect their quality of life. The good news is that TRT can help restore testosterone to a healthy range for your age, alleviating these symptoms and improving your overall sense of well-being. 

    TRT effectively supplements your natural testosterone levels to bring them back within a healthy range for your age. With this treatment option, you take testosterone on a regular basis to keep your levels healthy and to relieve your symptoms. Many men notice significant improvement in mental and physical energy after starting testosterone therapy. If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, consider talking to your healthcare provider about whether TRT may be right for you.

    Find Your Solution at Low T Center

    If you are concerned about various age-related declines in your health or aren’t feeling as strong as you used to, TRT could be the key for unlocking better physical performance and overall well-being. TRT provides an effective and safe way to restore hormones to the healthy range for your age.

    Our team at Low T Center is here to provide you with quality care for low testosterone. Our providers recommend a customized treatment plan that can include either in office or at home solutions. If you are looking to learn more about your testosterone levels and how TRT can help restore them to healthy ranges, contact us today for a consultation.

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    Disclaimer: This article is made available for general, entertainment and educational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Low T Center. You should always seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.