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    • Get in the Know: Sleep Apnea, Heart Health, and Longevity

      By Vidya Pai, MD National Sleep Medicine Director at Low T Center Sleep apnea can cause many unwanted symptoms, like daytime fatigue, mood changes, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, sleep apnea sufferers often report loud...

    • The Difference Between TRT and “T-Boosting” Supplements

      Many men wonder if they should treat their low testosterone levels through a testosterone clinic, or if they can use supplements sold at their local health food store. With the rise of testosterone “boosting” products, it can be difficul...

    • Testosterone Testing: How Do I Know If I Have Low T?

      If you suspect you might need testosterone replacement therapy, you may be wondering what the next steps are. Perhaps you want to know what a low testosterone test involves. You may also consider how your physician will determine whether...

    • Unsanitary Things We do Without Thinking

      Trying to Stay HEALTHY During the Holidays? In the United States, we are hyper-aware of cleanliness. It’s rare to find a mom that doesn’t have a bottle of hand sanitizer to whip out at a moment’s notice. That’s not to say it isn’t neces...