Get in the Know: Sleep Apnea, Heart Health, and Longevity
By Vidya Pai, MD National Sleep Medicine Director at Low T Center Sleep apnea can cause many unwanted symptoms, like daytime fatigue, mood changes, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, sleep apnea sufferers often report loud...
The Difference Between TRT and “T-Boosting” Supplements
Many men wonder if they should treat their low testosterone levels through a testosterone clinic, or if they can use supplements sold at their local health food store. With the rise of testosterone “boosting” products, it can be difficul...
Testosterone Testing: How Do I Know If I Have Low T?
If you suspect you might need testosterone replacement therapy, you may be wondering what the next steps are. Perhaps you want to know what a low testosterone test involves. You may also consider how your physician will determine whether...
Unsanitary Things We do Without Thinking
Trying to Stay HEALTHY During the Holidays? In the United States, we are hyper-aware of cleanliness. It’s rare to find a mom that doesn’t have a bottle of hand sanitizer to whip out at a moment’s notice. That’s not to say it isn’t neces...