Low T Center COVID-19 Announcement

Posted: March 13, 2020


COVID-19Low T Center remains OPEN OUR NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. In response to the COVID-19 virus, Low T Center is taking extra precautions for your safety, and the safety of our staff. We have implemented social distancing practices and enhanced cleaning and sterilization procedures in our treatment centers, and are taking additional actions which meet or exceed the standards set by the CDC.

If you have (i) traveled outside the United States to a high risk area (China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, or Japan), (ii) been exposed to a person known to have COVID-19, or (iii) are currently experiencing the symptoms associated with COVID-19, such as fever, or symptoms of lower respiratory illness (e.g., cough, shortness of breath), please call your Provider before coming to the center. To find the phone number of your local center, click the above “Locations” tab on our website.

If you may be at risk based on the criteria above or for current patients who may not feel comfortable traveling to and from our centers for treatment or for those with compromised immune systems, Low T Center has developed and scaled a robust telehealth and remote delivery platform and can offer interim take-home treatment options for most of our services that will allow your therapy to continue, uninterrupted, keeping you, other patients, and our staff safe. Please reach out to your Low T Center healthcare location or contact us at 866-806-8235 for more information.

All the best in good health,

The Medical Team at Low T Center

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Disclaimer: This article is made available for general, entertainment and educational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Low T Center. You should always seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.