Low Testosterone Is Linked to Depression in Men

Posted: November 11, 2014

As men and women get older, they experience the many side effects of aging, including graying or thinning hair, wrinkling skin, and a dip in energy levels. Women experience menopause, and with it the onslaught of hormonal symptoms. Until recently, many were unaware that men also experience hormonal symptoms as their testosterone levels naturally decline.

Among the symptoms of low testosterone is a greater chance of developing clinical depression. A recent study in Australia emphasizes the risk of depression among older men, ages 71-89. They were tested for multiple ailments, including depression and low testosterone. Among the participants, those with an inadequate testosterone level often suffered from depression.

This is not the first study of its kind. Other studies have found similar results, leading researchers to hypothesize that low testosterone and depression are in fact linked. Although the exact science is unknown, many suggest that depression is a greater risk because of the way testosterone affects the brain. These researchers believe that as the hormone level changes in the body, it also changes in the brain. This affects the neurotransmitters in the brain, and consequently, raises the risk of depression.

In addition to depression, low testosterone can cause weight gain, fatigue, muscle loss or weakness, and other symptoms for men in their 40s and older. If you suspect that low testosterone is causing your depression, treatment is available in the form of testosterone replacement therapy at Low T Center.

The injections are administered by experienced providers who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of low testosterone. A simple blood test on your first visit can determine if you are a candidate for treatment.

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