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    The Need-to-Knows About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Posted: November 12, 2014

    How do you know if you have low testosterone or are at risk of developing it? First, it’s important to know the facts of testosterone and how it decreases with age. 

    Let’s start with how testosterone levels are measured. Your testosterone level can be checked through a simple blood test. Low T Center has an in-house lab that can process your blood test and get you some answers in the same visit. 

    What is a normal range of testosterone?

    A healthy range of testosterone is between 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter of blood.

    Testosterone levels naturally begin to drop in men around age 30, at a rate of about 1 percent per year. At that rate, your testosterone levels could easily be down by 20 percent by the time you’re 50.

    So what constitutes an abnormal range of testosterone?

    Because the range should be between 300 and 1,000, anyone with a level below 300, who is showing symptoms of low T, is encouraged to start a treatment to help rebuild these levels. Symptoms can include a decrease in energy, loss of muscle mass, reduced bone density, decrease in libido, feelings of fatigue, and moodiness or irritability.

    What’s important about getting hormone levels tested?

    Although you may be experiencing symptoms related to low testosterone, you may have normal levels and do not need testosterone replacement therapy. 

    That said, if you have been suffering from these symptoms, and you do not get your testosterone level checked, you may be at risk for more serious health issues. Not only does low testosterone affect your libido and strength, but it also can be an indicator of conditions such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. 

    It’s important to remember that keeping a healthy lifestyle throughout our aging years is vital. This includes eating healthy, staying active and being aware of our health and family history. 

    What is testosterone replacement therapy?

    If it is determined you have low testosterone, and you experience any of the various symptoms, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) might be the next step in your recovery. A Low T Center provider can create a customized treatment plan just for you. 

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    Disclaimer: This article is made available for general, entertainment and educational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Low T Center. You should always seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.