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    • A Sedentary Lifestyle Can Contribute to Low Testosterone

      For many men, a sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain, increased stress levels, and often disrupts sleep – all factors directly linked to lower testosterone production. Low testosterone can significantly impact your daily life in many...

    • Is There a Connection Between Alzheimer’s and Low Testosterone?

      Alzheimer's disease is a devastating illness, robbing individuals of their memories and the ability to function independently. Researchers are exploring potential connections with other health conditions, including low testosterone in me...

    • Testosterone Gels Can Be Dangerous to Your Partner or Kids

      From testosterone injections to pills and gels, there are many options out there that aim to boost your testosterone levels. Not only can these vary in terms of how effective they are, but some may even pose risks to others around you. ...

    • Low Testosterone and Cholesterol

      As men age, it's common for both testosterone levels and cholesterol profiles to change. Testosterone levels naturally decline, while unhealthy cholesterol levels tend to creep up. Could these shifts be linked? Research indicates there m...