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    • The Secrets Your Belly Fat Is Hiding

      “Six-pack abs” are a fantasy for many men. But if you've reached middle age, and you are more sedentary than you’d like to be, then your six-pack probably looks more like a spare tire. There are many theories about the best strategy for...

    • Why Belly Fat Is Truly Weighing You Down

      Have you run out of notches on your belt? That ever-expanding waistline means you've got more than friendly padding. You've developed excess belly fat, and that can have serious health repercussions. Doctors have even come up with a cut...

    • The Difference Between High and Low Testosterone

      Testosterone is widely referred to as the “male hormone.” Women's ovaries also produce a small amount of testosterone, but the concentration is much higher in men, and testosterone is responsible for many of the characteristics typically...

    • Low Testosterone and How It Relates to Your Heart Health

      Testosterone is the dominant hormone in human males. During puberty, testosterone promotes muscle growth, deepens the voice, strengthens bones, and develops the sexual reproductive organs. Once a boy turns into a man, testosterone helps ...