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    Showing news articles based on category Testosterone.

    • Risks of Self Medicating with Testosterone Supplements

      Tired, uninterested in sex, struggling to focus, gaining weight unexpectedly – if this sounds like you, it could be low testosterone. A lot of men suffer from the health condition hypogonadism, also known as low T, which requires treatment from healthcare professionals. However, many men don’t realize their symptoms need medical treatment, leading them to […]

    • Dangers of Testosterone Supplements

      It seems like ads for testosterone supplements are everywhere. You’ve probably been blasted by online pop ups, found them in your mailbox, and even seen them on TV commercials featuring one of your childhood football heroes. They generally make all kinds of claims about boosting performance in the gym and in the bedroom. However, for […]

    • Low Thyroid Hormones can Cause Low Testosterone

      Are you feeling fatigued and unmotivated? Are you noticing low libido, a decrease in muscle size, or changes in your mood? These symptoms could be linked to low testosterone levels. However, what many people don’t know is that the root cause of their low testosterone could actually be related to their thyroid hormones. Low thyroid […]

    • Do You Ever Stop Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

      Nagging fatigue, low sex drive, and lackluster energy—these are just some of the signs of low testosterone levels in men. As we age our bodies don’t produce as much testosterone as they used to which can cause all kinds of havoc with your life. Thankfully there is a solution: testosterone replacement therapy. TRT helps restore […]