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    Showing news articles based on category Testosterone.

    • Primary vs. Secondary Hypogonadism (Low T)

      Sometimes, your body might not make enough testosterone on its own, meaning you may need testosterone replacement to supplement your natural levels. This condition is called hypogonadism, and it can affect men of all ages.  There are actually two main types of hypogonadism: primary and secondary. Studies suggest that primary hypogonadism is generally less frequent […]

    • Men’s Health Clinic: Is Male Menopause Real?

      For women, menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation and a significant drop in estrogen production. It marks a clear hormonal shift in women’s health. Men, however, experience a more gradual decline in testosterone levels with age. This is often referred to as “male menopause” for ease of understanding, or what is officially known as […]

    • Low Testosterone and Sleep Apnea

      Low testosterone and sleep apnea are both common conditions amongst men across the US, and they share several risk factors, including age and obesity. However, their relationship goes beyond simply coexisting. Research suggests that these two conditions can frequently exacerbate each other. For example, sleep apnea can disrupt the body’s natural hormone production, leading to […]

    • Testosterone Treatment from Your Doctor vs. a Low T Clinic

      While testosterone replacement therapy is available from various sources, including general practitioners, not all treatment options are created equal. A low T clinic specializes in men’s hormonal health. Our expertise ensures a comprehensive, personalized approach to TRT. We go beyond simply prescribing testosterone. We focus on optimizing your overall well-being through advanced testing, tailored treatment […]