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    Showing news articles based on category Testosterone.

    • Testosterone Pills vs. Injections

      Fatigue, decreased muscle mass, and low libido are all common symptoms of low testosterone that can significantly impact your quality of life. It’s estimated that around 13 million men in the United States experience low testosterone. Advancing age, obesity, and health conditions like diabetes significantly increase the risk of developing this hormonal deficiency. In response, […]

    • When are Your Testosterone Levels Highest?

      Your testosterone levels are influenced by various factors, including your age, the time of day, and even seasons. Lifestyle choices like exercise, sleep, and diet can also significantly impact your testosterone production. Understanding these influences not only confirms that some fluctuations are normal but also highlights the potential to optimize this vital hormone through your […]

    • TRT for Overweight Men

      It is estimated that over 40% of men over the age of 45 have low testosterone levels. This condition can have a profound impact on a man’s overall health and quality of life, with low T symptoms ranging from constant fatigue to decreased muscle mass to low libido. While there are numerous reasons for declining […]

    • Low Testosterone Can Cause Enlarged Breast Tissue in Men

      Low testosterone levels can also lead to a condition known as gynecomastia – enlarged breast tissue in males. Gynecomastia occurs when there is an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone in the body, resulting in excess breast tissue growth. Men with low T levels may experience an increase in estrogen production, leading to this […]