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    Showing news articles based on category Diet.

    • TRT Plus Dietary and Lifestyle Changes for Low T Treatment

      As we age, our testosterone levels naturally decline. Low T affects many men and can cause many undesirable symptoms. There are several factors that influence testosterone levels, including chronic illnesses and what we eat. Therefore, if you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, talk to your doctor about low T and what you can do […]

    • Easy Ways to Lose Weight After Age 50

      Have you noticed the weight seems to be piling on along with the years? Weight loss becomes more difficult as men get older because metabolism decreases with age. Along with weight gain comes other health problems. Men who are concerned about weight gain may want to visit a men’s health clinic for an annual physical […]

    • Can You Really Have Too Much of A Good Thing?

      Avocado is described as a healthy fat, so perhaps you haven’t thought twice about indulging in it whenever you feel like it. However, it is possible to overeat even the healthiest of foods. Everything in moderation, as the saying goes. Below is a list of a foods you want to eat in moderation, even if […]

    • Lower Your Cholesterol With These Shocking Treatments

      Cholesterol management is a hot topic — eat this, exercise like that, take these meds. However, if you are listening only to the mainstream chatter, you aren’t learning everything you need to know in order to lower your cholesterol. Some people have such high cholesterol levels that they can’t lower them purely through diet, and […]