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    Showing news articles based on category Diet.

    • How to Stop Sabotaging Your Low-Carb Diet

      If you have decided to embark on a diet that requires you to lay off the carbohydrates, then you have a difficult road ahead. It’s hard to cut out those yummy, doughy, starchy carbs. Not only do most carby foods taste good, but they also are a major part of almost every meal in the […]

    • Drop Pounds Successfully With These Diet Rules

      Did you know we are genetically predisposed to binge eating? Biologically, even just being around food causes us to have a physical reaction that we equate with hunger. It makes that self-control thing tough when trying to lose weight Here are a few ways to help you overcome both physiological and psychological challenges during your […]

    • Learn How to Lessen Your Appetite

      There are all different kinds of hunger. There is bored hunger, habit hunger, want hunger, and real hunger. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out which one you are experiencing. With all the food we are all constantly surrounded by, it is easy to want to eat something instead of needing to eat something. It can […]

    • 3 Sources of Healthy Fats to Keep You Fit and Healthy

      When we are trying to get fit and healthy, it’s tempting to stay away from fats altogether. We think that all fats are bad, and if we dare eat a fat, it will ruin any chance of getting fit or losing weight. What is lesser known, however, is that we actually need fat in order […]