Younger Men Need To Pay Attention To Their Blood Pressure, Too

This was posted on May 7, 2019 in category Health

Did you know that the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association have revised their blood pressure guidelines? Previously, a person was only diagnosed with high blood pressure when it reached 140/90, but new blood pressure guidelines have changed that number to 130/80. For a number of young men, this will mean that […]

Circadian Rhythm: How Internal Body Clocks Affect Men’s Health

This was posted on April 17, 2019 in categories Health, Sleep

Did you know jet lag or other things that disrupt your body clock can affect your weight, your health and your mood? A clock is not just a man-made concept. Scientists have found that the body runs with a strict internal sense of time that can cause serious issues when disturbed. If your sleep has […]

Male Menopause: Facts, Symptoms, Treatment Options

This was posted on March 29, 2019 in categories Health, Testosterone

Like women, men may experience a significant hormonal change in middle age. Unlike women, not every man goes through this hormonal change, but many do. Sometimes colloquially called “male menopause,” andropause refers to a drop in testosterone levels that can lead to symptoms such as fatigue and erectile dysfunction. A men’s wellness clinic may be […]