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    • This Is What You Must Do to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

      If there were a shortcut to complete and total wellness, we would all take it. The truth is there is no one solution for curing all of our health issues. However, there is one thing that comes pretty close, and it is at once simple yet s...

    • Why You Should Be Saying No to Being a Night Owl

      Even if you feel the most motivated and creative during the late-night hours, and staying up late has become part of your regular sleep cycle, your being a night owl may be detrimental to your health. Korean researchers found that peo...

    • Drop Pounds Successfully With These Diet Rules

      Did you know we are genetically predisposed to binge eating? Biologically, even just being around food causes us to have a physical reaction that we equate with hunger. It makes that self-control thing tough when trying to lose weight H...

    • Learn How to Lessen Your Appetite

      There are all different kinds of hunger. There is bored hunger, habit hunger, want hunger, and real hunger. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out which one you are experiencing. With all the food we are all constantly surrounded by, it is ea...