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    • Why Low Testosterone Is Linked to Chronic Fatigue in Men

      Mood swings, lack of energy, bitchiness, and decreased sex drive are common fodder for discussion among men who have wives or significant others who have experienced menopause. The hormonal changes that women go through during menopause ...

    • The Most Ideal Exercises for Middle-Aged Men

      As men move into middle age, a common struggle is maintaining strength and muscle mass while warding off excess body fat. Finding a formula for success can be difficult, and there are several key components: nutrition, hydration, proper ...

    • Why Low Testosterone May Also Mean Muscle Loss

      Go into any reputable gym, and if you have the nerve, find one of the biggest, strongest, baddest-looking dudes in the place and ask him about the importance of testosterone to his lifting regimen. Serious powerlifters and bodybuilders u...

    • Case Study: Testosterone Therapy Not Associated With Higher Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

      Low T Center conducted a study of nearly 40,000 patients who had suffered either a myocardial infarction (heart attack) or stroke before or after testosterone therapy to see if there was a discernible link. The results revealed that care...